Bible Blogging Christian Church God Ministry Scripture

Sunday Scripture

Greetings my friends. It is Sunday May 19TH 2024, and this is the day that our LORD has made. Let us rejoice. Let us be glad in it. Let us celebrate this great new day of believing, following, trusting, loving, and being more like our Lord + Savior Jesus Christ. Let us love our neighbor as ourself.

Last weekend I began writing a brand-new sermon. Its tentative title is “Music & Lyrics”. It’ll be how God used music to rescue and save me, and how His lyrics – whether in a pop song on the radio or a Psalm in His Word – can change a life forever.

For the next several months – I’m presenting the full transcription of my recent Jude message series consisting of two sermons – “Jude & Judgment” (Verses 1-11), and “Jude & Jury” (Verses 12-25). I preached them to my Homestead Florida church family on November 26TH 2023 and December 03RD 2023 respectively. Here’s Part 7:


In 2022 a Gallup poll was conducted. It was both shocking and unfortunately believable in these times that we’re living in today. It stated that a record low 20% of Americans believe that the Bible is the literal word of God. 20%. 2 out of every 10 Americans. That’s it. That’s down from 40% in the early-1980s. Pastor Bob refers to the early-1980s as the last great revival in the church. I think he’s right.

I’m part of the 20%. I hope that this entire church family is part of the 20%.

By religious affiliation – 30% of Protestants believe that the Bible is literally true. Only 15% of Catholics believe that the Bible is literally true.

This one stunned me. Just 40% of evangelicals or born-again Christians – that’s me – 40% believe that the Bible is literally true.

So. Let me get this straight. God lifted you out of the pit of despair – out of the mud and the mire. He rescued you. He saved you. You’re alive today because of Him. You accepted Him as your Lord + Savior. But only 40% of you actually believe that the Bible is literally true. God did all of that for you, and 60% of you don’t believe every word of God’s Word. That’s what we’re up against.

You know – not every evangelical born-again Christian is going to Heaven. Not every Protestant is going to Heaven. Not every Catholic is going to Heaven. We all await God’s judgment.


My testimony is featured each week here on #SundayScripture – whether it’s part of a sermon, or just me writing about the events of the past week. Hopefully it encourages you and inspires you to seek the Lord, and get closer to Him with each new day.

If you wish to learn more about the God I know then stay tuned to #SundayScripture. The best is yet to come !

Thank you for reading my blog for this day, and may:

The LORD bless you, and keep you.
The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

All rights reserved (c) 2024 Christopher M. Day, CountUp

By Chris M. Day

I'm 57 years old. I've been online for 31 years - starting with my own dial-up bulletin board system in 1993 - and continuing with AOL, my own web site, Myspace, WordPress, Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook.

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