Blogging Driving Travel

4,000 Miles

8 days ago the odometer in my car flipped-over to 4,000 miles. It did so 65 days after flipping-over to 3,000 miles. And that happened 36 days after flipping-over to 2,000 miles. And that happened 62 days after flipping-over to 1,000 miles. And that happened 115 days after I bought my car and drove it home from the dealership.

I’ll soon embark on about a 460 to 480 mile road-trip over the course of just 4 days, so flipping-over to 5,000 miles won’t take long at all. It definitely won’t take more than 60 days to do so. It’ll probably happen before the end of June.

As I did with my Spring Break 2021 Road-Trip in February I’ll be posting all about my upcoming road-trip during consecutive Thursdays here on my blog starting on June 10TH (after I return).

All rights reserved (c) 2021 Christopher M. Day, CountUp Ministries